Would Sgt. Pepper's be exactly the same without Peter Blake's cover ? At a time when full-length records do not mean much any longer and album covers even less, I found interesting to make a website on sleeve design. Long before videos, record covers were the visual embodiment of music, a way to put images on sound. I remember having spent hours as a teenager detailing the cover of records while listening to them. Later on, I realised that some of them had things in common in their design, revealing either a mere sign of the times or a more deliberate connection. Some records even obviously copied famous sleeves, as a tribute or as a mockery. Here is a collection of record covers I came across, which share some common visual features.

Pleased to meet...

The Beatles

With the Beatles (1963)

The Rutles

Meet the Rutles (1963)

The Beatles

Meet the Beatles! (1964)

The Residents

Meet the Residents (1974)


Land of Confusion (Single) (1986)

The Muppets

With the Mupples (1994)


Meet the Covers! A Tribute to the Beatles (1997)

This Happy Breed

It's a Black and White World! (1999)


A Garage Dayz Nite (2001)

The Barkers

Meet the Barkers! (2005)


A Buddha Lounge Tribute to the Beatles (2007)

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